Anyone using Gemini for Android assistant… is it worth it?

Has anyone tried Gemini? How does it compare to Google Assistant?

I’ve given it a shot twice and went back to Google Assistant both times. I can’t stand it.

Nori said:
I’ve given it a shot twice and went back to Google Assistant both times. I can’t stand it.

Same here. My phone (A52s) doesn’t support the circle-to-search feature, and Gemini’s screen search setup is just terrible. That’s the only thing I use Google Assistant for, so I switched back.

Nori said:
I’ve given it a shot twice and went back to Google Assistant both times. I can’t stand it.

Gemini keeps changing all the time. Now it can handle more tasks, but the updates are pretty frequent and confusing.

Yeah, but how will Google survive without grabbing all of your data? They really seem to need it for some reason.

It’s just plain bad.