I guess after doing some research the engine that Balatro is running on is insanely inefficient resulting in certain interactions lagging/crashing on the ps5. I’ve seen some people say it drains battery as fast as genshin. So now that its been out for awhile is the battery drain that bad?
It is bad indeed, I posted about it some time ago.
There’s a few things you can do to improve it, but I don’t remember, check my post history.
its really bad if you turn on the crt filter. Without it, its an incredibly light game.
Linden said:
its really bad if you turn on the crt filter. Without it, its an incredibly light game.
That makes sense because I turn that filter off and was really scratching my head at the complaints here.
To me it’s roughly 1% per minute
I play without any changes to settings besides faster animations and I can play for hours if I want to.
Pixel 7 pro.
it is really bad. My phone literally overheat after just 10 minutes