Looking for GOOD offline Android games… any recommendations?

Can anyone recommend some high-quality Android games that are 100% offline?

I’m talking about games like Wreckfest and Bright Memory—nothing that looks cheap or low budget.

Have you checked out the games from Feral Interactive? They have some great ones.

Teagan said:
Have you checked out the games from Feral Interactive? They have some great ones.

They never miss.

Teagan said:
Have you checked out the games from Feral Interactive? They have some great ones.

Playdigious also publishes some solid offline games.

Is this Android only? Any iOS version?

Sawyer said:
Is this Android only? Any iOS version?

Yeah, only Android. We also made a Windows version, but no iOS since it’s a free project, and we can’t afford the App Store fees. Sorry! :frowning:

Checking out your game now!