This game was supposed to be Japan only… so why can I play it?

I thought this game was only for Japan, but somehow it’s available in my country. Did they change the release plans, or is this a mistake?

Guess that means Japan secretly took over your country.

From what I know, the game was always meant for Asia, not just Japan. The PC and PS versions were the same, so maybe they just did the same for Android.

Wait, really? Does it have an English option?

Han said:
Wait, really? Does it have an English option?

No, it’s only in Japanese.

I found it, but my phone isn’t compatible. Annoying.

Yeah, it’s available here in the Philippines too.

Wait, does it have English or just Japanese?

Indigo said:
Wait, does it have English or just Japanese?

It’s only in Japanese for now, no official translation yet.