Emoji’s in native android keyboards are either clumsy, smudged, shushy and fat, that doesn’t really convey sharp face feelings like what an iOS emoji or an emoji in native whatsapp delivers. Those are pretty sharp, straight, rounded, and does what it’s intended to. I am a huge fan of android and I can’t live without it, but this smiley and emoji part is kinda meh…
iOS ones are literally the ugliest to me (use iPad and iPhone daily). And I really hate that WhatsApp is using iOS emoji and at least not the system ones. Blobs were the best. Everything else is
Dana said:
iOS ones are literally the ugliest to me (use iPad and iPhone daily). And I really hate that WhatsApp is using iOS emoji and at least not the system ones. Blobs were the best. Everything else is
Zuri said:
No. Of the 3 mobile OS I’ve used (iPhones, Android, Windows phones), iOS emojis have always looked the worst of the 3 to me.
Yeah. I’d say iOS’s are better than Samsung’s, Facebook’s, and Huawei’s but that’s it. If we count desktops, then I put Windows 11’s 3D emojis specifically in first place and then Google’s in second.
Maybe you’re just used to the iOS emojis? I’ve heard people complaining about individual emojis not quite conveying the same emotion/message on different platforms, which can be problematic. But as for the entire set, I probably prefer the Samsung ones over the Apple ones.
For comparison, I looked at this emoji across different sets:
I definitely don’t feel the Google or Samsung ones are clumsy, just a slightly different design.
Edit: Last I did it, I installed a custom recovery and flashed within TWRP. That’s not necessary nowadays anymore; you would probably be able to do that with your stock recovery. This link might be a good place to start, and the website is a great resource: https://www.xda-developers.com/YMMV, depends heavily on the phone you use.