Google updated navigation bar moto z3 android 9

Okay, so after my phone died and I restarted it, the navigation bar was replaced with a bar that was always at the bottom of the screen. Is there a way to get rid of this new bar and restore the old one.

Given how ancient my phone is, I had no idea that it could receive updates. Is there a way to prevent them from downloading automatically.


Settings, system, gestures, turn off the home button’s swipe up feature. By the way, if it did not update; it is possible that a corrupted setting made your device’s built-in gesture feature active.


I have previously looked, and that option isn’t there. The navigation bar is always at the bottom of the screen.


Hi, would you mind sending a screenshot.

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It used to be a single bar that I could swipe up to bring up and just swipe whichever direction to do what I needed, but now it is just that persistent navigation bar. I can not seem to transmit the picture itself.